Renewable Solar Energy in Africa

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Marvellous Energy Ltd is a UK registered solar company operating as an Independent Power Producer (IPP) in Zambia and neighbouring countries. 

The company develops and constructs utility-scale solar power plants, then supplies energy through the grid to off-takers on Power Purchase Agreements up to 35 years on BO+F (Build Operate and Finance).

Helping businesses move forward together.

We have worked with a variety of different companies in and around the energy sector. Some of our partners include national electricity companies, commercial and industiral businesses, along with specialists in mining, oil refineries, manufacturing and more...

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Marvellous Energy offers the following renewable energy solutions

  • Non-dispatchable grid-tied solar energy
  • Solar energy plus storage,
  • Hybrid energy – solar and other sources
  • Grid enhancement services, such as frequency response and balancing mechanisms
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For reliable power supplies within South and East Africa, contact Marvellous Energy Ltd today.

Off-takers are located in countries within the Southern and Eastern Africa Power Pools, including Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, and Angola. Electricity is produced in Zambia and wheeled to off-takers. The company is currently developing up to 1,000 MW of solar power plants.

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